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Backwashing PBF Filters with Air Blower Instructions

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Backwash Assist:

  1. Shut the pump off.
  2. Rotate valve to “Backwash”
  3. Turn pump on for 15 to 20 seconds.
  4. Turn pump off. The main pump must not operate while blower is running.
  5. Rotate the control head to “Rinse.”
  6. a. Close the lower gate valve on the Air Blower Assist assembly. (Keeps air from pushing back
    through pump)
    b. Open the upper gate valve (right below blower)
  7. Turn on Air Blower for 30-60 seconds. You should notice a bit of water discharging from the “Waste” line
    and hear the beads moving in the tank. While Air Blower is still running, rotate handle to “Backwash”
    until no dirty water appears in the sight glass.
  8. Turn Air Blower off.
  9. a. Close the upper gate valve (right below blower)
    b. Open the lower gate valve on the blower assist assembly.
  10. Turn pump on and backwash until clear water is visible (generally 30 to 90 seconds).
  11. Turn pump off. (Repeating steps 4 through 12 can be done if it has been a long time between
    backwashing or in ponds with higher loads)
  12. Turn handle to “Rinse”.
  13. Turn pump on. This rinse helps keep waste from returning to the pond after the backwash cycle.
  14. Turn pump off. Rotate handle back to “Filter” and restart pump for normal operation.

While every system is different, generally if the system is backwashed regularly (weekly in most cases, more
frequently with higher fish loads) the Air Blower Assist system will only need to have steps repeated once
or twice to adequately clean the filter. More cycles may be needed if the filter has not been backwashed
regularly to loosen beads properly.